
Chocolate Whipped Cream

My dad Chris is partial to serving Angel Food cake with chocolate whipped cream, which is very simple to make. He isn't a baker (he's a Florist) but he loves making whipped cream for pies, or cakes or one of his other favorites peach or starwberry shortcake.

1 pint heavy cream (very cold)
1-2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-2 tablespoons super fine sugar

Use a metal bowl and chill it in the freezer for a bit before you get to work on this. Whip the cream on high until very soft peaks form (using a hand or standing mixer). Add the cocoa, and sugar and using mixer on low/medium incorporate it (I suggested a range of sugar and cocoa because you need to make this to the sweetness you like, so taste it along the way). Add the vanilla and whip on high until the peaks form again, careful not to over whip this or you'll have chocolate butter (I've done it, no sweat, that's why I always buy two pints of cream when I make whipped cream.

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