
My Current Obsessions

Since November I have been a "point" whore. I am going to Weight Watchers meetings and my life has changed forever (for the good or bad) because I will always know how many points are in most foods. This is of course a good thing for my jeans whose seams were pulling apart. This makes me a whore because I will do almost anything to get as much food for as little points as I can, ALMOST ANYTHING. When I find products that have low points and make me feel not just like a human eating but like I'm cheating and being bad and self indulgent and happy, I get a little obsessed with them. My current love affair is with Trader Joe's Parmesan Ranch Dressing. It has 1 point for 2 tablespoons, for anyone who doesn't know what that means it's 30 calories and 1.5 grams of fat for a ton of dressing. It tastes amazing, and no it's not because I have been eating only birdseeds of something, it's REALLY GOOD. A very close second is the Cilantro dressing. This Sh*t is so good my husband
has started eating salad with his lunch and dinner. In comparision there are fat free dressings by many compnaies, honestly most are barely edible, they are sticky, sweet, and taste fake. There are these "2 Good" ones that are sold by Wishbone I think, they are so chemically they don't need to be refiderated until they are opened, also barely edible. Moving on to cheese I've never been a cheese and cracker person but when I found out that regualr cheese had 3 points for an ounce, ouch, for some reason I was craving it all the time. I found this cheddar by Cabot that's not fat
free (thank God because then it would be gross) and it's only 1
point for 1 ounce. So basically I can have cheese and crackers and wine and not be very bad, thanks CABOT! Trader Joe's Fat Free Crumbled Feta is a great treat when you want a Greek salad or anything cheesey and salty, I sprinkle it on salads with vinegrette or on pasta. And last but not least this Greek yogurt that's fat free. Wow, I never spent much time with Greek yogurts but now I do, they are rich and cheesey and fantastic. My favorite thing to have this with is as a dip for carrots (with
some salad dressing or dried herbs mixed in or on a baked sweet potato or half of a roasted acorn squash. Let's hear it for healthy items that taste good, hooray! I want to stay in the jeans I own now but I never just want to eat to live. Sorry I know that is probably what I'm supposed to do because animals don't go out and spend $100 at a restaurant. But I like everything to taste good even if I have to go to the gym and do Pilates and plan out how to murder my teacher. These lowfat helpers keep her alive.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Point whore pointwhorepointwhore wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!